Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The one where things start to get scary!

I leave in exactly four weeks! AHHHH!!! It's starting to freak me out. I'll be all on my own, I won't have to answer to anybody. I can do what I want when I want, I could even skip class for no reason at all-which i probably won't but still. I remember the day I cut my hair off when I was two, I wasn't thinking about college then. I wasn't thinking of having my own two year-old one day and having her do the same thing. But the real thing making me scared is packing. If you have ever traveled with me or stayed with me and seen my suitcase you know I def over pack. I am really trying to only pack the stuff I need to. But it's the i'll be 1,976 miles away, yes i mapquested it, and what if i need it it will take forever to get to me if my mom has to mail it. I don't want to leave anything I am going to need.


Rye said...

i can tell you what movie your favorite books comefrom! its gods army!! im sure you were just too sick to help move im glad you didn't try and do anything out of your limits we wouldnt want little ellie to hurt herself

Lisa said...

I can't believe you leave in 4 weeks. So sad!

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