2010 posts

january 19

january 26

january 28

january 21

february 1

february 5

february 12

february 17

february 18

february 26

march 3

march 4

march 5

march 6

march 7

march 8

march 9

march 10

march 11


march 13

march 14

march 15

march 16

march 17

march 19

march 20

march 21

march 22

march 23

march 24

march 25

march 26

march 27

march 28

march 29

march 30

march 31

april 1

april 2

april 3

april 4

april 5

april 6

april 7

april 15

june 9

june 11

june 14
june 17
the one when today...

june 23
bachelorette review [week 4]

july 1
the one with some fun things

august 2
the one with reminiscing

august 5
the one where i don't have a plan

august 16
the one where i think i'm an insomniac

august 27
the one with reflections as i leave the 'teens' behind

august 31
the one with my morning walk

october 19
the one with am and am nots

november 4
the one with the beginning of something new

november 5
day 1 - the one with a picture of me and 15 interesting facts

november 6
day 2 - the one where i explain my title

november 7
day 3 - the one with a picture of me and my friend

november 8
day 4 - the one with my christmas list

november 9
day 5 - the one with places i've been
day 6 - the one with my favorite super hero

november 10
day 7 - the one with the person who has had the biggest impact on me

november 11
day 8 - the one with my goals and when i'll accomplish them

november 12
day 9 - the one where i share something i'm proud of in the last few days

november 13
day 10 - the one with songs i listen to when i'm bored, happy, sad, mad, hyped

november 14
day 11 - the one with another picture of friends

november 15
day 12 - the one with the beginning [how i found out about blogger and why i have one]

november 16
day 13 - the one with a letter to someone who has hurt me

november 17
day 14 - the one with a family picture

november 18
day 15 - the one where i push shuffle on my iPod

november 19
day 16 - the one with another picture of me

november 20
day 17 - the one with who i would want to trade places with and why

november 21
day 18 - the one with dreams and goals

november 22
day 19 - the one where i share nicknames

november 23
day 20 - the one where i share who i can see myself with

november 24
day 21 - the one with a picture of something that makes me happy

november 25
day 22 - the one with what makes me different

november 26
day 23 - the one with cravings

november 27
day 24 - the one when i write to my parents

november 28
day 25 - the one with what's in my bag

november 29
day 26 - the one with what i think about my friends

november 30
day 27 - the one where i say why i'm doing this
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