Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The one with people I admire

Monday afternoon my mother had an idea, lunch with women that I love from the ward for my birthday. I was all over it, lunch with people I love and admire and they would be there just for me! We called Sister Evans(my second mom, role model and previous employer), Sister Starbuck(how can you not love her?), Sister Johnson(one of my favorite young womens leaders and role model), Sister Fraser(riley's parent, and def one of the coolest people ever), Sister Coates(my favorite baby's mother, and I like her too, she's been my sunday school teacher since like the begining of time) and Sister Pew(altough she lives in texas we wanted her to be there with us, at least in spirit). We had lunch at Locos Amigos Cantina, it has the best spaninsh rice EVER! And I just got to sit there and soack up moments with people I love and will miss! They have become a part of me and leaving georgia, even though I was ready and had wanted to since I moved there, made me sad to leave a part of me there. Before Stephanie(sister fraser) got there she called, we'll somebody called on her phone. It was riley, my best friend! I was so glad she was coming! My dad surprised us, well mostly me, and was there saving tables for us! It was a great way to spend that day!
Sister Johsnon, Luke, and Megan
Sister Johnson, luke and megan hiding behind her mom
Stephanie and Emma
Sister Coates and Cully
take two
Sister Evans
this says it all


Lisa said...

What a fun day!! Thanks for the invite. I love that restaurant now... I took Chris back just the other day. Miss you.

Rye said...

for real girl!!! could you imagine what stuff ur mom would have to put up with if we were sisters!!!!! call me sometime for realls!!!! love you chica.

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