I don't like change, at all. It's one thing that has always been hard for me, when it comes around I cry. When I moved to Georgia I cried. When I moved back to Utah and my mom left, I cried. When it was announced that President Richards would be taking President Woodhouse's job this semester I cried. I had gotten to know President Woodhouse and the amazing man he is. When I sang for a faculty luncheon here at the school I cried because of the change, President Richards saw me and asked if I was okay. I told him how hard change was for me and since then he has always asked me if there has been any change. Every time, no matter if it's just in passing. Things have changed a lot this week already. President Richards was the speaker in devotional this week and I really enjoyed his talk, after I went up to thank him and he asked. I said it's been hard but I'm trying to get it through me (a phrase that was introduced to me by my favorite professor of all time-Brother Adrian). He said everything will work out when God wants it to(or at least that's what I heard). President Richards is possibly one the greatest men to walk the earth today. Even here at the BC where he has about 1,400 students under his care he knows me. He cares about me and knows my name. He reminds me that my Heavenly Father knows my name, cares about me and loves me. That's one thing that always amazes me, he has all these children to know and care about and I don't get left out. I don't get pushed aside for someone else, I get time too.
mychel-anne... you are inspiring! i am amazed at your testimony and knowledge of the gospel. it is good to learn these lessons early in life... knowing that god loves you and that things will work out when god wants them too. i love you.
Aww! So sweet! people do love & care for you!
Mychel-Anne... it is so beautiful to watch you grow! It is also pretty cool to observe the hand of the Lord guiding you and watching over you as things "change". I believe in Angels.
BTW, did you like the video of Broken on my blog? After I posted it I thought about the "change" you talked about in your blog, and felt it fit so well with what you talked about. Not that it makes "change" any easier (it doesn't in my opinion), but beautiful things can still grow from "change". I love you!
Yup, that's the dude. Love him! So glad you're getting to know him. I love you angel! Thanks for sharing your heart with us. Cully just snuck upstairs...pray he's not in the boys toilet. Gotta go :D
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