So I have my groupwise e-mail, I called the help desk. I think almost everybody at LDSBC knows who I am by now and just wants me to graduate so I won't annoy them with my questions anymore!
My housing papers got here yesterday! I was so excited, I almost did a backflip-til I remembered I can't do one! I filled out the roommate questionnaire gave them some of mom's money and put it in the mail box. I am so excited, I'm leaving in six days, SIX. I have one sunday left at home-that's all! Six days and I'm in salt lake! I'll be in utah for my birthday for the first time in seven years. I'll get to see snow, real snow for the first time in almost seven years.
I made a fleece blanket for college, pictures are at
crafts with S and E. My bedding's already out there, it's so cute i'll put pictures up when I get there, and a box I sent out in march. I have almost everything I want to take, it's all along one wall, well two. And that's just a little more than half of the shoes I'm taking, I have to have options!
This is only the bare minimum of purses, they're all pilled directly on the ground. I had to bring some of my quotes, I have another container just like that, and it's packed. The boxes aren't really packed-I mostly just threw stuff I knew I was taking. And that bag in the bottom right corner has my towels that riley gave me! I was so excited, which reminds me I need to call her, but I digress.
I have to fit everything in 5 suitcases or boxes! Now you might be thinking how am I taking that many, am I seriously going to pay the stupid fee for an extra bag? No way, well I might have to breakdown and pay one fee so I can have six but...i digress. My gramie, my mom and I will all be flying standby. And people flying standby still get two bags, yee haw! I think I can do it, hopefully, but to be safe I think I'll pray-maybe Jesus can help me pack!
I babysat the Johnsons for the last time yesterday, it seem like just yesterday they were moving into the ward. I have come to love and appreciate this family so much! I'm glad Brother Johnson is my family's home teacher-knowing I am leaving my family with him as their home teacher makes things a little easier!
I said goodbye to lots of people on sunday, we had stake conference. I got to hear my my favorite speaker of all time, President Brown! He's a professor at Auburn, he speaks really fast but has a big message so you have to pay attention. I am really going to miss his talks. I hate goodbyes, not seeing people that I love, not being able to just see them in the halls of church and say hey! It's no bug surprise that I have a hard time with change, I like consistency, I like to know that things are the same week to week. I guess this is one of the reasons I love the church so much-the gospel is the same here, in utah, austria, russia, portugal, everywhere! Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are always three separate beings. We still have a prophet who is on the earth, the priesthood is there. I have such a profound respect for the priesthood, I know that even when I am away from my dad that I can still get a blessing. I was having a really hard time at girls camp this summer and I was able to ask Brother Walker and my bishop for a blessing, I had never asked anyone but my dad for blessing. I was tired, feeling sick, and all alone and as soon as they started everything left. Listening to men I respect, look up to so much give me a blessing because they were worthy holders of the priesthood meant everything to me. I am so happy and grateful the priesthood had been restored and is on the earth today. I want to yell it to the world, but I would probably chicken out so this is it for now!
This post def ventured from what it was intended to be, sorry about that!
Mychel-Anne - is that you? Are you now a college student? No longer a darling little mia maid? I am very happy for you and your exciting adventures that lay ahead of you. I know how much you love Utah. I hope you have a fabulous experience.
I just wanted to send a shout-out to my birthday buddy! Happy Early Birthday Mychel-Anne! Glad to see that all is going well and it all worked out in the end! I also loved the line "I filled out the roommate questionnaire gave them some of mom's money and put it in the mail box." The "mom's money" is what cracked me up! Enjoy college and remember that it is only for a short period of time! If you put your nose to the wheel and push along, it will be over and worth it in the end! To many people get frustrated and give up. I expect a graduation invite when your done!!
We are going to miss you around here. Def not the same without you!
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