Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The one with an explanation

So I don't have an explanation for the 21st through the 24th but I do have an explanation for not blogging yesterday. For years ago yesterday my oldest brother, Nathan, died. The 25th is always hard for our family. I didn't really want to do anything yesterday. I tried to stay away from blogs so that I would see my aunt's or my mom's. I just hate days like yesterday!!!


Me said...

My heart goes out to you and your family!! We love you all! I am sorry it is so hard! Forever will be~ longer so endure to the end to enjoy that beautiful ETERNAL family of yours!!

Yelowflower said...

I am So sorry for your loss. I know it is hard. I hope things get easier as time goes on.

Happy Birthday, I share this day with you, it's MY birthday TOO!!! lol


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