Thursday, April 15, 2010

the one where i seriously fail

so i know i said i would blog everyday
and i'm working on it
life has been busy and stressful

but i'm gonna get back to blogging
i have some news too
i found a video editing program on my computer
that actually, isn't that bad

and my old nikon can still shoot video
the one that my favorite toddler in the whole world
stepped on and ruined while my mom didn't pay attention

point in fact
i'm vlogging now too
check out my channel on YouTube
you know you want to!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

the one with part two of the contest

i told you i would deliver the second blog

I had an epiphany while I was in class the other day, and ‘just happened’ to have a great view of this guy I liked, yes liked. He’s cute, smart, and a poster boy for chivalry, need I go on? I started day dreaming about us and what we could be. Come on, we all do it. Then it hit me. I like the idea of him more than I actually like him.

We interrupt your blog reading to bring you definitions...
The idea of someone: holding hands, dates, late night phone calls and lots of texts, saying we’re together, etc., etc.
Actually liking someone: really liking them for who they are and not some idealized version. You get the picture.
You can like your said person and like the idea of them. Ideally you would like these two images balanced.

We now return to your regular blog reading…As soon as I got a chance I was with Rebecca talking about this epiphany. You should have seen us talking a mile a minute about this. Then Rebecca shared our friend Sam’s analogy with me. Imagine all males or females are like stores in a shopping center. You can window shop: see how cute they are, what kind of personality they might have, etc. And you can try them on, see how they act when you’re alone, how they fit into your life and you in theirs.

Sometimes you like the window shopping image of them, you just don’t want to wear them or own them. They may not flatter you or be your style. Even though you really like said ‘product’ it just doesn’t look good on you maybe. Sometimes you have to take a break from shopping, and that’s okay.

Because when you take a break you realize what things really matter to you. Maybe you really like them, but something small-the way he doesn’t call you back within five seconds-could break everything the two of you have together. Or maybe you really like them and no matter what bothers you about them you like them anyway. You would do anything to be with them for eternity-that’s they way you want to feel.

When my parents were in the early years of their marriage my dad’s parents didn’t like my mother. He sat them down one day made it clear, if he had to choose between them he was going to choose my mother. He knew they were meant for forever. I want to feel the way my dad felt, and hopefully you want that too.

I was watching a show; the father was making a speech at his daughter’s reception. He said they wished the new couple would be each other’s ‘anyway’ friends. Because no matter what is said or done you love them anyway.

Moral of the Blog:
            Make sure you like the person you are with, not just the idea of them
            When they are the right person make sure you’re an ‘anyway’ friend

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

the one with the contest

awhile ago i entered a blogging contest for mormon times
the requirements were to be around 20-something, single and mormon
so i entered, i didn't make the cut
but i didn't think my blogs should be put to waste

I woke up Saturday morning to a phone call from this really cute guy, who we will call C. He had called to  asked me out for that night. I said yes, he was cute, sweet and had a job. He told me he’d pick me up after he got off work, and being myself I didn’t ask him what time he got off work. All I said was “sounds good!” What was I thinking? Oh yes, it was something along the lines of a cute guy wants to ask me out, and I like him-HECK YES.

I spent the next half hour freaking out to Rebecca, who is the Christina to my Meredith-the mac to my cheese. We talked until I was calm enough to get ready. I was ready for about 5 hours when he called again, telling me he was off and was on his way to my grama’s house where I was staying the weekend. He met my grama and we were on our way. We ended up at a playground; we swung on the swings and just got to know each other.

Great date so far right? Yeah things went downhill fast, all of the sudden my stomach went crazy. I ran toward the bushes not far away and threw up, what caused this you ask? A water chugging contest the two of us participated in and the fact that I get motion sickness all the time.

Now I’m feeling bad for the guy, anything he does it’s going to make the situation more awkward. He can just stand there making me feel like I’m on display. Or he can do what he did and come over and rub my back, and watch me. I was so FREAKING embarrassed. He took me back to my grama’s house. He then realized she lived on a golf course, jokingly I said we should hop the fence sometime.

Fast forward about half hour. My teeth were brushed and I had golf clubs in my hand and golf balls in my jean’s pockets. We found the perfect spot to jump the fence but being 5’6” a seven foot fence is a little hard to jump. We grabbed a chair and he was over in a heartbeat. He gave me the okay to jump, and landed in a hole. Spraining my ankle, spraining it REALLY well.

But at this point I was determined to still have fun. We walked three houses down to the hole and putted for an hour or so. Then we laid down on the green and looked at stars and talked about life. We made it back to ‘scene of the accident’ and made it over. He walked me to the door said good night.

Moral of the Blog
Sometimes things go A LOT better in your head than they do in real life. The trick is to make the best of the situation. Be the fun girl, not the drama queen.

the second blog to come tomorrow

Monday, April 5, 2010

the one with today

today, i hate the snow
today, i hate filing my taxes for the first time
today, i wish i was on vacation with my family in the sun
today, i feel like i need new friends
today, i feel like blowing off life and sleeping til wednesday
today, i feel like going to bed early

Sunday, April 4, 2010

the one with my faves

from general confrence

saturday morning session
president monson
i loved how he talked about his wife
julie b beck
with personal revelations mothers can prioritize
keith b mcmullin
doing one's duty is the manifestation of one's faith
all that we have comes from God, we should honor Him with all the intelligence, strength and love he gave us
wilford w anderson
their hearts were broken, but their faith was strong
hope is found through the Holy Ghost
priesthood order in haitian chaos
m russell ballard
there is nothing in this world as personal as nurturing, or as life changing as a nurturing woman
model yourself after your mom, not celebrities
[re: moms]when it comes to matters of the heart and things of the Lord she is a whiz
mothers are the first line of defense
henry b eyring
prayer allows the Lord to help us
well done my good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, 
i will make you ruler over many things

saturday afternoon session
l tom perry
responsibility for teaching the children falls on the mother
d todd christopherson
when basic gospel principles are left behind, life disintegrates
koichi aoyagi
follow the prophet, he truly knows the way
bruce a carlson
strict obedience to God's laws brings us blessings
david a bednar
spiritual warnings should lead to spiritual vigilance
the three things
1-reading and talking about the book of mormon
[all ages respond to the spirit of the book of mormon]
2-bearing testimony spontaneously
[eagerness and reluctance to participate is an early warning sign]
3-inviting children to act
[we are not in the business of passing out fish, rather we are to be teaching our children to fish]
are my children steadfast and immovable?
are my children learning by study and by faith?
are my children gospel learners?
jeffery r holland
separate yourself from people, situations and material that tempt you
run like joseph of egypt and please do not leave a forwarding address
you shouldn't invite temptation in , serve them tea and crumpets and 
then show them where the silverware is kept
we shouldn't be serving tea anyways
the temple guards and protects
when we sin we not only hurt ourselves but the people who love us and Christ
we must declare like nephi "i give place no more to the enemy of my soul"

sunday to come

Saturday, April 3, 2010

the one where i love conference

morning session was amazing
i sat in plaza 11
with kellie and michelle
thanks to this old lady
[story to come]

i loved the afternoon session
mostly because i love elder bednar
the seats didn't hurt either
plaza 7
i also loved elder holland's talk

Friday, April 2, 2010

the one where i can't wait... listen to a prophet's voice

especially with seats in the conference center
thanks to Kellie and Lyle

Thursday, April 1, 2010

the one where my cousin is in student government

my cousin ethan ran for student office
the way they run is kind of weird, but whatever

and he won!

i feel somewhat responsible for the win
since i did help with the posters
and getting the small letters ready

but anyways, congratulations ethan!

the one where i set a goal

i am going to blog everyday for a year
that's right, every day

why you may ask?
because i want to be like shay
link to earlier blog here
but unfortunately I do not have
 an adequate video camera
nor do i have a video maker

so i've gone for the next best thing
blogging every day,
everyday until
march 2, 2011 here i come!
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